Thought for the Day:
"What Jack says about Jill says more about Jack than it does about Jill"...on A church marque
We are watching the Grammy's tonight...not something we normally think about doing. We probably will not hang in there to the bitter end. Just finished watching Pink in a "Las Vegas"/"Cirque du Soleil" performance...awesome...very impressive.
Now...The Black-eyed Peas...the modern Mama's and Papa's.
( call from our daughter in San Francisco)
Back to the Grammy's..I just gave up...decided to watch and listen. You can get the results tomorrow on-line or maybe, late-nite TV or early morning newspaper?
Pleasant dreams, Esmee Lynne
Pu Erh Tea
*My new 'Favorite' thing: Pu Erh Tea*
*After reading The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See I was curious
about tea. It was a selection for our book...
6 years ago