Thought for the Day:
Wednesday's Child is in the know
Sorry, I missed last night. I am still tweaking the blog. I haven't decided on my goals for the site. It is a evolving process. I have already changed my title once....more than once in my mind. I have toyed with critiquing restaurants in Arkansas. Then, I have resolved losing 10 pounds. Eating out all of the time doesn't really jive with that resolution. Also, we are trying to eat at home more and use our money for other things. So much for that idea.
Speaking of critiquing restaurants, we went to Red Lobster tonight after we had seen Avatar. It was excellent. The salad bowls had been cooled and the bread plates had been heated. All of the food was warm and well-prepared. The service by Eliza was good. She paid attention, but didn't hover. Thanks, Eliza. Of course, the bisquits are wonderful...they were hot, too. We give the Red Lobster a "Thumbs Up". In the future expect a section for "eating out in Arkansas" when we do eat out. We will not make it a passion.
On "Avatar": It is a must see if just for the special effects and sound. It left me breathless, heart beating fast and jaw clenched. We have had dinner and are at home now. I have almost relaxed. It was a really "high incident" movie. I had the same feeling when I left the second Indiana Jones movie. A very high incident movie for its time. Of course, I normally go to "feel-good" movies like, "Julie and Julia" and "The Proposal".
Off to bed. I go to work tomorrow from 9am to 12 noon. Then, back to more learning about Blogger and also, Facebook.
Pleasant Dreams....Esmee
Pu Erh Tea
*My new 'Favorite' thing: Pu Erh Tea*
*After reading The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See I was curious
about tea. It was a selection for our book...
6 years ago
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