About Us

Monday, May 17, 2010

I Lied!

Sorry for myself...I didn't meet my commitment to launch by May 16, 2010.  I have good intentions, but not enough time devoted to what I want and love to do.  I will figure it out...have patience.  I am talking to myself, of course.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Counting Down

I have been hesitating about getting my blog out there.  I have read a few personal accounts about bloggers and their hesitations/doubts/fears.  Most advice says "GO FOR IT"....and that's what I am going to do.  I am committing to "publishing" on May 16, 2010. 

Me and Mine are going to Chicago to celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary.  It won't actually happen until August, but this works!

Also, I will be celebrating "50 States in 50 Years".  I have been in/to/through 49 states.  On this trip to Chicago we are going to take the train to....you guessed it "Wisconsin"!  The train goes from Chicago to Kenosha, Wisconsin and that will do it. 

So be prepared (or not),
Esmee Lynne