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Friday, May 31, 2013

I'm Behind....

It's catch-up time!  I honestly do not know where my time goes!  Obviously, not to posting to my blog.  I find that if I don't post when the inspiration hits, it fades over time.  All that said, I missed my blog and am going to make it up to myself.  This is just the first...more to come!

Books I have read since I last made contact:

Along Came A Duke (Rhymes with Love, #1)Along Came A Duke by Elizabeth Boyle 
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This has to be one of the silliest books I have read in a long time. I think it was supposed to be funny, but fell way short. The story line and the hero, heroine, and their cast of characters were fine, but the thread that tied them together was not. Of course, now that I know the characters I will have to read the next installment. I guess I am just curious to see if this saga can be redeemed. I marked it 'ok' because of the characters and the plot. There have been a lot of 'silly' books in this genre lately. If this is the trend, then I am going to find a new genre or start rereading the earlier Regency books.

Sprig Muslin
1956 Ace Star
No ISBN nos.
Sprig Muslin by Georgette Heyer
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book is 'ok'...only because it is by Georgette Heyer. I love reading her books because the language, history, and setting seem to be more authentic. This book was not 'ok' because it was so silly. It read like a farcical play with the characters moving on and off the stage at an alarming rate. As the story progressed more characters were added to complicate an already complicated plot. At least the ending had a wonderful twist to it which made the reading of it palatable.

Hint not a 'spoiler': What goes around comes around!

I also read 'The Turner Series' by Courtney Milan
Unveiled (Turner, #1)
UnlockedUnclaimed (Turner, #2)

This is when I got really behind on posting to Goodreads.  I posted no review, but added them to my 'Read' list.  The only impression I have is that they were 'ok'.  After looking at other reviews which were 4 and 5 stars, I think I am going to have to reread them? 

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Amelia Peabody Mysteries by Elizabeth Peters (#'s 1-6)

I started reading books by Elizabeth Peters because #1 she was a popular author #2 I am a Mystery reader #3 I hadn't read any of her books.

The first series I read was the Jacqueline Kirby Series, a librarian turned romance novelist. Not my cup of tea.  I failed to get her since of humor.

The second series I tried was Vicky Bliss, art historian. I found it very boring.

Then, I found Amelia Peabody.  Now I can't put her down. Ms. Peters' talent was wasted on Jake and Vicky.

Crocodile on the Sandbank (Amelia Peabody #1)Crocodile on the Sandbank (#1)
I said I would give Elizabeth Peters another try. The only choice for me was her Amelia Peabody Series. I am not much into Egyptology, but I didn't let that hinder me. This is the first book of the series so I am still in the 'not sure' mode. I did like this book and its characters. All of the details about Egypt didn't disrupt the story. It's just that the story takes place in Egypt. This Elizabeth Peters is a completely different author than the author that wrote the Jacqueline Kirby Series. I am thinking she has either matured as an author or she is just not suited to write 'humorous' stories. It's a toss-up. She published two of the Kirby books before this one and two after. I am thinking she was wise to stick with Amelia.

The Curse of the Pharaohs (Amelia Peabody, #2)The Curse of the Pharaohs (#2)
I am getting into this series. Before I know it I will be speaking Egyptology. I am really not interested in anything Egyptian. Luckily, it's not a requirement for reading this series. Egypt doesn't get in the way of the mystery to be solved. I really like the H/H and their cast of characters. Also...glad that Elizabeth Peters found her niche. Her other series do not even compare to this one. Really not a spoiler, but as a GR friend mentioned..you will not believe what Amelia and Emerson named their son:)

The Mummy Case (Amelia Peabody, #3)The Mummy Case (#3)
I am starting to like Egypt, Amelia, and Emerson. It is not a series that I want to plow through until the end. It is one that I will read 'in between'. I can see a story formula starting to develop. That is okay with me as long as the story is worthy. I am having a hard time getting past Ms. Peters' desire to give Walter, aka Ramses, a speech impediment. I can see where it makes a reader slow down and pay attention, but it is distracting.

Lion in the Valley (Amelia Peabody, #4)Lion in the Valley (#4)
This series is getting more interesting. Ramses has finally lost his speech impediment. He seems to be the instrument that Ms. Peters uses to educate us in everything Egyptian. I tend to rush through his dialog. We have been subjected to a continuing quest of a 'Master Criminal'. This criminal was almost caught this time, but escaped promising to leave Egypt and the Emerson's. Time will tell if that is true. We may have another Moriarty in the guise of the 'MC'. I am hoping we don't and move on to another villain.

The Deeds of the Disturber (Amelia Peabody, #5)The Deeds of the Disturber (#5)
I am getting more entrenched into this series. This story takes place in London; but the background is still everything Egyptian. Amelia is still a loose cannon in the investigation, but usually comes to the right solution. Emerson is her anchor and usually comes to the right solution independently of Amelia. In the meantime, Amelia still has time to match make and be a Mama to Ramses...and in this story to her brother's two children. Regardless, I am locked in now. This is #5 and she has written 19 of these stories.

The Last Camel Died at Noon (Amelia Peabody, #6)The Last Camel Died at Noon (#6)
I have to hand it to Ms. Peters...she is teaching me everything about Egypt whether I want to learn it or not. In the meantime, she scatters it in with her delightful characters and a mystery to solve. I don't know that I will retain the Egyptian history part or not, but I enjoy reading about it while I am trying to solve the mystery before Amelia, Emerson, or Ramses do. Highly recommend the series to you. Don't let a little or more than a little Egyptian discourage you.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Maisie Dobbs (#10)

Leaving Everything Most Loved 
by Jacqueline Winspear
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jacqueline Winspear has given life to the character of Maisie Dobbs. Throughout the series she gave us the mystery and the investigator to find its solution. However, she was also added an emotional layer to Maisie. I can feel the underlying sadness she feels in life. She is not a joyful person. She and James say they love each other, but I don't feel that depth.

Maisie Dobbs is going off in a new direction. I look forward to the next chapter in her life's journey. I hoping she finds some joy.

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Maisie Dobbs (#9)

Elegy for Eddie 
by Jacqueline Winspear
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, I have caught up with Ms. Winspear and the publication of the Maisie Dobbs series. I looked on her web site and didn't see if or when No. 10 would be published or even thought about. As it stands this series could end with this book. After all, it was about WWI and its aftermath. This book is on the brink of WWII. 

I felt a real closeness to Maisie Dobbs in this book. I could feel her pain when she realized that she could not save or even make the lives of her friends and associates better. She couldn't make them better as her definition of 'better' did not always mean it was their 'better'. Maybe it's time for Maisie to stop and smell the roses.

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Friday, May 3, 2013

Adventures of a Pink Iris

This is the story of Pink...
...the Iris on our mantle.  

Her story...yes, her, she is 'pink' after all!...begins at Nana's Iris Garden in Charleston, Arkansas. 

Pink is in truck
along with day lilies.
My Sister-in-law and I went there in 2007 a side trip on the way to the Butterfly Festival on Mount Magazine.

She is one of those
iris leaves in a flower bed 
in the front of our 
former house.

Pink has now been transported along with other iris to our new home.  The pictures tell the rest of the story.
Just a few leaves are appearing in their new home.

Pink is on our mantle now,
but she lives in our iris bed 
to bloom another day!