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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Miss Read: Village Diary

Village Diary (Chronicles of Fairacre #2)
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am really liking this series. This is the second book in the series. It is Miss Read's Diary about village life in Fairacre and her place in it.  I felt like I was reading a Blog placed in a book written in 1957. It is divided in chapters: one for each month of the year. I can imagine writing such a journal myself. (Come to think of it, I did in 2000.) 

Miss Read has many interesting expressions that are new to me.  They offer a new insight on old subjects...because, for one, this is set in a small English village and two, it takes place over 50 years ago.  I can relate to the era, but not the second, I live in a medium-size city in the south central United States. 

I particularly loved this:  
"I was very glad to climb into the sanctuary of my bed, and 'shelve life for nine hours'." 

I really have to wrap my mind around the first and can really understand the second! I only dream of lasting a full nine hours.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


What a wonderful day!  We woke up early and opened presents from our family: 2 Grandkids, 2 daughters, and 1 son-in-law!  Now we have in hand a gift card to Hobby Lobby and another to Starbucks.  It sounds like a day of "after Christmas" shopping to me.  

This afternoon we are headed to our friend's home for our traditional Christmas dinner of gumbo and tomorrow brunch before we head back home to the real world.  

We both wish you and your family 
a joyous Holiday Season!
Chuck and Lynne

Monday, December 20, 2010

2010-My Favorite Web Sites

1.  Amazon  (see Sidebar)
I buy books for my crafts at a fraction of the price...the shipping is always the same unless my books qualify for Free Shipping.

2.  goodreads  (see Sidebar) 
I found goodreads this year and immediately started posting my books that I am reading.  I am also adding my  book history.  Five years ago I started keeping a spreadsheet of the books I read.  I have to...I read too many books.  I even make a note about the story.  When I get a new book in a series, I go to my notes to refresh my memory before I start reading.  Some people I know wait until all books in the series have been published...not me...no patience!

3. Paperback Swap  
This is a wonderful site for all readers and purchasers of  books.  I have been a member for two years.  It is not limited to paperbacks, but that is all I want to swap.  The only cost to you is the postage to mail books when they are requested.    You inventory the books that you would like to trade.  When you have a request, you mail the book and get a credit.  You can then spend that credit to request a book.  The person accepting your request then pays to send it to you. Very easy and use friendly.

4. ATCS for All  

A website for creators and traders of Artist Trading Cards (ATCs)...of whom I am one.  
ATCs are little pieces of art...2 1/2" by 3 1/2".  I saw an article and then coincidently my branch library started a program for those interested in making and trading ATCs.  I had no idea...just when you think you had heard it all!  The leader of the group has been involved for ten years.  On-line you can trade ATC's, postcards, inchie's, twinchie's, 4x4's....just about anything on which you can create art.  You can paint, draw, stamp or collage.  There are swap challenges or you can trade one on one.  Take a look...who knows...try it; you may like it :D

5.  Snapfish.com  
I love Snapfish and have for five years.  I upload my photos to share with my friends and family.  I order prints for pennies and they are mailed to me within days.  I use Snapfish when I want a lot of prints...it saves on my ink and paper.  I also compose and order books/albums of my photos...mainly, to document a special trip and once a year an album of my year in photos by month.

6. Picasa 
Just started using Picasa this year in connection with my blog.  I can now place a slideshow of my pictures or art on my blog.  It is also easy for my to share my latest photos with my friends and family.  You were probably already using Picasa-weren't you? :)  

7.  Facebook
I can't leave out Facebook.  I check it out at least three times a day.  I connect with some of my friends and family.  I also  connect with my favorite authors, websites, TV stations and places I shop. I get coupons, notices of sales and new books coming out.  I resolved in January to participate and I have.
Mark one resolution: "Done".

I saved the best to last:
8.  Blogger (You are reading this so I guess I don't need a "Link")
What can I say?  I made a New Year's resolution this year to learn more about blogging...and I did!  I love it.  Not only did  I get hooked, but I got to be a "Blogger of Note" on September 7, 2010.  What an honor!!!  I don't know how to actually thank the mysterious panel that picks the noteworthy bloggers...but THANKS.  I am really honored. I now have many followers from all over the globe...thank you followers, too!  I love it when you comment.  Although I may not post every day, I check my blog every day to read my comments.   I love them all! 
Mark another resolution: Done!

Friday, December 10, 2010

One Woman Show

November and December...

My "stuff" on display 
in the foyer of my Branch Library.  
I actually work there.  

I am always checking out "art/craft" books and trying new techniques. So...I suggested I bring in the fruits of my labor to display along with the library books that inspired me.  You get to have your own show without getting out of your house!  
Here goes:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Got A Brand New Car!!!

2011 CRV (Opal Sage)
I got a brand new car

 and I have the key!

I go slow and don't go far!

Mine was Desert Sand,
8-cylinder with
T-Tops (no yellow)

This has to be my favorite all-time car...right up there with my 1984 Camaro Berlinetta.  I loved my Camaro, but alas, it was stolen, stripped and burned to a crisp.   My CRV makes up for my loss.  We called it "KITT" after car on "Knight Rider", 
TV show

I learned to drive on a 1953 Aqua Packard with automatic transmission and power steering.  

Over my lifetime I have had:
1963 Chevrolet Impala
Chevrolet Corvair
Studebaker Lark
Ford Pinto
Ford Grenada
Delta88 Oldsmobile
1984 Camaro Berlinetta
Dodge Van
Chrysler Cirrus

I love my CRV!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The Cat Who Went Bananas (Cat Who..., #27)
The Cat Who Went Bananas 
by Lilian Jackson Braun

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Yea! I finally reached my goal. I have now read 1-27 of "The Cat Who..." books. 

 As I read "....Went Bananas", I thought it seemed to be back on track. However, toward the end one character disappeared and we never heard of him again. Is he dead or did he fear for his life and run? The supposed villain died. We will never know if he was a villain or just wrongly accused.  A man and his wife died before the story began and there was no solution on this front either.

This is my stopping place. I will imagine my own ending for the series. Qwill and Polly continue their relationship; he continues his newspaper column and life-long friendship with its editor; and Koko and Yum-Yum live to a ripe old age before going to their reward in "pet" heaven.

There is a #28: "The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell". I found it to be completely out of sync with the rest of the series. It seemed that someone was trying to wrap the series up and did so with horrific endings, in my opinion. I read on Wikipedia:Lilian Jackson Braun that the publisher had canceled the next book: "The Cat Who Smelled Smoke". Also, found a good blog with info about Ms. Braun, the series and the publisher. There was a place on the blog for comments. Several people shared theirs..


I can't promise, but I think this will be my last reading of "The Cat Who..."      Never say "Never"!

View all my reviews

Thursday, December 2, 2010

North to Alaska...No. 39*

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would get to Alaska.  I got there by combining business and pleasure.  At the time I was working at a State University managing a NASA Grant Program-The Space Grant Consortium at our State level.  What an opportunity!  

He can now lay claim to playing
the "World's Northernmost Golf Course".  

The annual National Conference was held in Fairbanks.  My husband joined me at our expense.  There was no way I would let him pass it up...although, he is not fond of flying.  However, he was rewarded.

We saw the most amazing flowers, took a paddle wheel boat trip on the river and were treated to a performance by Native Americans at the Cultural Center.  

We did not see the Aurora Borealis.
This was the season and the hotel kept a watch for the guests, but a "no show". 

After the Conference we stayed over to take a side trip to Denali National Park.  We were really brave to even think about this as both of us are extremely afraid of heights. We went for it..after all it was a "once-in-a-lifetime" event!  
View from train entering the town of Denali
We took the train from Fairbanks to board a tour bus.  Private cars are not allowed into the park without a special license...too many people have to be towed out after they freeze with fear of the heights and can't continue. 

After a 14-hour round trip to Mt. McKinley and Wonder Lake, snow at Ptolemy Pass, a one-lane road we didn't get to see the mountain.  

This is view we missed!
Beware, if you go, you only have a 20%-25% chance of seeing the mountain. It is so large that is makes its on weather system and is shrouded in clouds most of the time.  

We did see some beautiful scenery and actually met up with a grizzly bear family.  We were so close to them that we could have reached out and touched them.  Awesome..so glad we went.

We came back through Chicago on September 9, 2001.  I don't have to tell you what happened on September the 11th of that year.  We narrowly escaped being trapped at O'Hare Airport...still glad we went. 
BTW...we finally saw Mount McKinley from the plane as we looked back...there She was...

*For "new to my blog" people...on May 17, 2010, I visited Wisconsin.
 I can now say that I have been in, to, or through all 50 United States.
 I am committed to make an Artist Trading Card "ATC" for each of
 the 50 States. Hence, the label, 50 States

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Am Thankful For:

Vintage Postcard
Good Health
My Home
My Job
Cell Phones
Vintage Postcard

Microwave Ovens

Peace where it exists
Arts and Crafts

Vintage Postcard

I have a lot for which to be thankful!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Harry Potter-Deathly Hallows

Went to see Part I at the IMAX today.  When I left the theater, I thought that I should have watched "Harry and the Half-Blood Prince" before I came.  Also, thought maybe reading the book again would have helped me get into the flow of the movie.  It took me a few minutes to realize what was happening.  

I still can't remember all details about the Horcruxes.  

Ah, I just went to Wikipedia and have now refreshed my memory.

Before you go...you need to refresh!   

Warning:  There is no beginning segment that will give you a clue.

I am now ready for Part II...oops! 

It will not be released until July.  I'll be sure and refresh before I go!  Of course, I'll go see it...it's the last one!!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Albert and Gage

Our favorites...We first heard Christine Albert and Chris Gage at the Acoustics Cafe at the Second Presbyterian Church.  

(The Acoustic Sounds Cafe lasted for ten years until Joe Henry, a volunteer director/organizer extraordinaire, decided it was time to hang it up for the good life.  It was wonderful.  We heard a lot of great acoustic artists.  Some well-known; some not so well-known.  How lucky were we to have the benefit of such a venue for great music.)

Albert and Gage are in Austin, Texas. 
Chris* and sometimes,

Christine, can be found at 
Donn's  Depot...actually old train cars linked together to make a really unique experience in live music. 

We actually sat at the piano bar with Chris on the keyboards.  We were really lucky because the night we were there Christine joined Chris.  

Connect to their link
and you can hear a

My favorite album is TexaFrance by Christine accompanied by Chris.  It is a mixture of songs in French and English. I play La vie en rose...a lot! 

We subscribe to their email updates and keep thinking we'll make another trip to Austin to hear them.  So far, the timing is off...one of these days.

*My husband, AKA Chuck, thinks he is the best all-round musician he has ever heard.

Friday, November 19, 2010


This poem has meant a lot to me over the years.  I would like to share it and my pictures with you...

Max Erhmann 1927

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to other, even the dull and ignorant; they, too,      have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive person, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with other, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble, it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is, many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself, especially, do not feign affection.  Neither be cynical about love, for in the face or aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.  Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, 
no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
 whatever you conceive him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.  Be careful.  

Strive to be happy.