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Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Walk on the Wild Side

Time for a walk before Chuck is ensconced in front of the TV watching the Masters Golf Tournament.  There's no time to get in the car to walk a man-made trail.  So...we took off out our back door down a trail that used to be a logging road when our sub-division came into being.  We used the gravel 'streets to be' as our path.  

Out our back door-
Old Logging Path

Gravel Road Path-
Vimiosa Way

Flora along the way...

First Dogwood tree
for me this year

Looping back around to get home

Gravel 'street to be'
behind our house
We connected to our street
at Estepa Way

Rescued abandoned
Pampas Grass

Yea...Back Home again...after a
Walk on our wild side!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Wonderful Day for a Trail Walk - Lake DeSoto Multi-Purpose Trail

Perfect Spring weather sent us outdoors on April Fool's Day.   We headed to the Lake DeSoto Multi Purpose Trail and a 3.4 mile trail walk.  Yes, you read it right...3.4 miles.  This was the longest trail walk we have taken.  We were armed with bottled water and our cell phones...one of which is my camera.  

We took the top trail. We parked across from S. Pego Way;
walked along the DeSoto Golf Course to Barcelona;
and back along Calella Rd.

Only .9 mile to go...gasp!

.4 mile more gasp! gasp!

Yea!!!! The End at last!

We decided the next time we walked this trail we would walk only the first mile and double back. It is the prettiest part. The remaining 2.5 miles was mainly along one of the main roads or streets in front of houses. We had to walk the full trail at least once. Didn't we?