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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Memories Are Made of This: In The Mood

I learned to dance from a 45 rpm record of  Glen Miller's 'In The Mood'. This video shows scenes and dances during the '40's when we were at war.  We were still dancing to this music in the early 50's.  It wasn't until Elvis Presley came along in the mid fifties that dancing changed.  It is still evolving along with the music. How many of these stars to do recognize?

Monday, November 14, 2016

A New Reading Adventure

Just when I thought I was entrenched in Regency Period Romances and Contemporary Mysteries, my library friend (LF) introduced me to Maureen Ash, 'The Alehouse Murders'.

Now I am venturing into old territory, but new scenery: Midieval with Gil Cunningham, Templar Bascot de Marins, Sir Baldwin Furnshill with Simon Pottock, Brother Cadfael, and Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon. 

I always like to read a series in order and each is the first book in each series along with my review that was posted on Goodreads.com. I recommend them all.

The Harper's Quine (Gilbert Cunningham, #1)The Harper's Quine, Gilbert Cunningham by Pat McIntosh                 My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Main character: Gil Cunningham

This is the first of this series. I had a hard time getting into the story with this author. There are a lot of Medieval words and expressions that are not explained. Another Medieval series that I read has a dictionary of those words and their definitions. I am hope that Ms. McIntosh adds that to the next book. It would be helpful. I do like Gil and his friends. I had more or less figured out the mystery by the end of the book. There were enough clues along the way that maybe you can solve it, too. 

 The Alehouse Murders (Templar Knight Mystery, #1)The Alehouse Murder, Templar Knight Mystery 
by Maureen Ash                                     My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Main character: Templar Bascot de Marins

I am into another medieval mystery series. My library friend keeps recommending and I keep reading her recommendations. This story takes place in the 1200's with the main character being a Knight Templar. I have read some about the Templar's, but this one is on a more personal level and I like learning at that level. It seems more real. It is interesting to me that the people of the time had the same concerns as we do. However, they didn't have the modern conveniences to aid them in their journey. I like Bascot and the characters that will support him in this series. This is the first book so I have just now been introduced to them. I am looking forward to knowing them better and seeing how Bascot deals with the decisions he must make about the Templar Order. 

The Last Templar (Knights Templar, #1)The Last Templar, Templar Series by Michael Jecks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Main characters: Simon Pottock and Sir Baldwin Furnshill

This was my second adventure into Medieval Mysteries. I never kept up with the series, but have decided to pick it up again since I have jumped into this genre with both feet! I might have to go back and read this one again to refresh my memory of the characters.

A Morbid Taste for Bones (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael, #1)A Morbid Taste for Bones, Chronicle of Brother Cadfael 
by Ellis Peters                                             My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Main character: Brother Cadfael

This takes me back in time. I love Brother Cadfael. He was my first experience with Medieval mysteries. There was a BBC series based on these books. I watched them all on DVD's from my Library. This is one series I would consider reading again. 

 The Unquiet Bones (Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Chronicles #1)The Unquiet Bones, The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, 
a Surgeon by Melvin R. Starr                       My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Main Character: Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon

Well, I found another series-again recommended by my library friend. I normally do not read this far back in history; however, the characters and the mystery of this story brought the time period to life for me. It reminds me of Ellis Peters 'Brother Cadfael' series. His time period was later, but still British history. Learned a lot while being entertained. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

These Is My Words

These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 by Nancy E. Turner                             My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was recommended and loaned to me by a friend. I admit I took it and read it to be nice. That being said, it will one of those books that remain in my memory. It wasn't one that I could sit down and read for hours. It was not a page turner. I had to read it in blocks so I could digest what was happening and how the characters handled each event. I couldn't read it at night, because I would either dream about the story or lay awake thinking about it. Ms. Turner has a way with her characters that sucks the reader in and makes you a part of the story. Highly recommend.

View all my reviews

Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Surgeon Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton

I began this series upon a friend's recommendation. I also loved Ellis Peters' Cadfael Chronicles. Once I started I couldn't stop until I caught up with the author and the publisher.  They are fast reads-no more than 200 to 250 pages. My reviews are all on Goodreads.com.  They are included below as I read and reviewed them.

I think Michael Jecks, author of The Templar series, said it best: "At last a worthy successor to Ellis Peters. Mel Starr brings medieval crime to life, He has a brilliant understanding of the language and nature of the people of the 1300's."

The Unquiet Bones (Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Chronicles #1)The Unquiet Bones  Chronicle No 1
Well, I found another series-again recommended by my library friend. I normally do not read this far back in history; however, the characters and the mystery of this story brought the time period to life for me. Learned a lot while being entertained.

A Corpse at St Andrews Chapel (Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Chronicles #2)A Corpse at St Andrews Chapel Chronicle No. 2
I am still loving this Mel Starr mystery series. The history is intriguing. The details of the life and times of the 1300's are seamlessly woven into the story. I didn't even know I was getting a history lesson. Then again, the life and times 650 years ago does seem like fiction.

A Trail of Ink (Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Chronicles #3)A Trail of Ink Chronicle No. 3

This story is getting even better. Mel Starr is giving us a little romance along with the mystery. Our hero may even be getting a partner in crime. Can hardly wait for the next installment.

Unhallowed Ground (Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Chronicles #4)Unhallowed Ground Chronicle No. 4

The more I read the more I am hooked on this series and its characters. I am not particularly fond of this period of history, but I am learning a lot about it. The mystery and the personal stories are woven together seamlessly. I don't get a sense that Mr. Starr is giving a history lesson one moment and a mystery in the next. This story is a little more bloody that the last one, but I can skip over the gruesome parts.

The Tainted Coin (Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Chronicles #5)The Tainted Coin Chronicle No. 5
This is by far the most complicated mystery in the series to date. Now it seems we will have a continuing villain. He seems to appear in each book and escapes before he or his accomplices can be brought to justice. Hugh is getting more sophisticated in his surgery and his job as bailiff.

Rest Not in Peace (Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Chronicles #6)Rest Not in Peace Chronicle No. 6
This series is still holding my interest. I love the history and the characters. Mel teaches/taught history. I wish I had him for a history teacher. He makes it come alive in his characters as they go about their daily lives. Hugh is a multi-faceted character and I love that he is now a family man in addition to being a surgeon and a bailiff.

The Abbot's Agreement (Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Chronicles #7)The Abbot's Agreement Chronicle No. 7
Still enjoying reading about the adventures of Hugh de Singleton. However, I am getting used to some of the process he goes through to solve a crime/mystery. I found myself skipping through some of it to get to the solution. This story was a little complicated and I am not sure how some of his tactics would work in real time.

Ashes to Ashes (The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon #8)Ashes to Ashes Chronicle No. 8
Seems to be a formula setting into these stories. However, the story is still worthy and I really like living in Bampton for a couple of days with Hugh and his family. I could see where this was going, but there is always some surprise to keep the reader guessing. Mr. Starr is educating me in an entertaining way.

View all my reviews

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Come Rain or Come Shine

Come Rain or Come Shine (Mitford Years, #11)Come Rain or Come Shine by Jan Karon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jan Karon is the Queen of 'feel good' stories. She has a way with words that make you smile, laugh, and cry all in the right places. I love the Mitford stories. Finally, glad to see Lace and Dooley come together and to catch up on all of the supporting characters in this saga. You will love it! Recommend!

View all my reviews

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Thinking of my Father today*...

He took me everywhere
with him before I had
to go to school!
I loved it! Can you tell
by the smile?
...on this Father's Day*
He was Daddy until I thought it wasn't cool. Then, he became Dad! 
He'll always be my Daddy!

Dad on Jasper's knee with Lucy
and his older sister, Edna,
who died of a fever not long after.

He was born, William Idus  to Lucy and Jasper Grant in Dover, Arkansas, USA, on December 29, 1907.  He left us almost 24 years ago on June 19, 1991.  

On the farm...yes, I lived on a dairy farm and
got to ride on the baler while 'Daddy'
was baling hay. It was baled and wire-wrapped.
I think of him often and hear his voice in my mind...
Daddy, me, and Hank, my best
friend's little brother (read 'pest':)
on Red.

"Lynne, that's a lazy man's load"...on carrying too much at a time instead of carrying a small load and going back for another small load.  Still guilty!  I think of it as weight training:)  

Dad was a real Razorback fan.  He is holding
a football signed by the players and Coach Broyles
after they won the
1964 Southwest Conference Championship

"Lynne, if you ever make a 'D' at the UofA (Arkansas, Fayetteville), you will be coming home."  Well Dad, I never made a D, but never made much over a 'C'.  Yea, I didn't have to go home!

"Lynne, you never need to tell anyone that you have a college degree."  Just be yourself and they will know that you do. Note: a college degree for me was very important to him. He went to the UofA and his name is on the walk in 1933 and mine in 1962.

We came to understand each other!
"Lynne, you and your Mother have conflicts because you are so much alike.  Please give her some slack." (I don't think 'slack' was in his vocabulary. But, I did for the rest of her life:)

He never said he loved me, but I know he did.  I love you, too, Dad!

On this Father's Day-
Your loving daughter and only child,

Photo Gallery:
At 20

At 26

He was proud to be a Mason
and a Shriner
At his Father's funeral ca. 1953
Although we were not a close
family, he always loved it
when he could get with any of his family...'
4 brothers and 3 sisters
L to R Neil, James Earl, Norman, O.E., 

Dad was the oldest...
Rest in Peace
Dad and Mom are at rest in the Garden of Eden
Crestview Cemetery
Hot Springs Arkansas

*Posted every year on Father's Day

Monday, June 13, 2016

Oh Maryland, My Maryland No. 21 of 50 *

As close as I could get
to Nora Roberts.
She wasn't in the day
we stopped at Turn the Page.
Maryland is one of the States that I have been in and through.  I have been in once and through once.  The first time I stayed in College Park during the Bicentennial Celebration, 1976.  I took the Bicentennial Bus into Washington, D. C. and toured all of the Celebration venues.  I had been to Washington one other time so I am not sure where I went and what I saw.  What I do remember is the bus ride back to College Park.  Unfortunately I stayed long enough to miss the Bicentennial bus so had to take the local just as people were getting off work.  It was crowded and we stopped at every stop and let people off.  I think I last off. It took more that two hours to get to my destination-not a good memory to end a wonderful day.

The second time I went through Maryland on the way to Maine in 2014. We stopped at Boonsboro, home of 'Turn the Page Bookstore', Nora Roberts bookstore.  
Bummer, she wasn't there, but I did the next best thing.  I had my picture taken beside a life-size replica.  They had it set up for the picture.  I guess I wasn't the only one that missed Nora.
We wondered around town and checked out the Inn BoonsBoro.  It was featured in her 'The Inn Boonsboro Trilogy'.  Visitors were not permitted-only guests.  I left a little disappointed, but glad I stopped. Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors so passing by Boonsboro was not an option.

*For my "new to my blog" friends...on May 17, 2010, I visited Wisconsin.
I can now say that I have been in, to or through all 50 United States.
I am committed to make an Artist Trading Card "ATC" for each of
the 50 States. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Benjamin Weaver Books by David Liss

I really do not know how I discovered 'David Liss'. I read 'The Twelfth Enchantment' and liked it so I checked out his other books.  I love to read series and noticed that he had written the Benjamin Weaver stories.  I started with the first book and thought 'I really don't have to read this' It seemed like a hard read and would certainly would not be a fast one.   Then, I thought of my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Young.  We had to select a book from the library, read it, and then give a book report.  I selected J. M Barre's 'The Little Minister'.  After the first ten pages I decided it was too hard for me.  It was written in a Scottish dialect that I had to translate before I understood the words.  I proceeded to tell Mrs. Young that I wanted a different book that this one was too hard.  You can guess the answer I got. "No, you can't trade.  I want you to stick with it.'  Although disappointed, I did stick with it and glad I did.  I am also thankful for Mrs. Young.  Because I now know even if its hard, I can stick with it and be glad I did.

I am glad I stuck with David Liss and Benjamin Weaver. Although it was hard at the beginning, the middle, and even the end, I was rewarded with the story and its characters.

First Book in the Series:
A Conspiracy of Paper (Benjamin Weaver, #1)A Conspiracy of Paper by David Liss
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not a fast read. Repeat: 'This is not a fast read'. I found it very intriguing. The history of the Exchange was essential to the story. I usually do not like to be educated while reading for entertainment, but the story really relates to the present day stock market. I will admit that some of it went over my head, but I hung in there. I had a hard time visualizing Benjamin during that time period. I usually read in the Regency Era so this was a stretch for me. The mystery was intricate as with any conspiracy. The 'historical notes' and the Q&A with the author were also interesting. I recommend if you are interested in the stock exchange and intrigue in London during the early 1700's.

Second Book in the Series:
A Spectacle of Corruption (Benjamin Weaver, #2)A Spectacle of Corruption
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Reading David Liss/Benjamin Weaver is like reading a history book and really enjoying it. As I read this one I was thinking it was almost like history repeating itself. What goes around comes around. I felt like I was there during the campaign and the election. In fact, he was asked that question in his interview in the back of the book. (No, don't read the interview first. It will be more meaningful after you have read the book.) Reading about conditions in the 1700's makes me more thankful that I live in the 21st Century. Of course, the mystery made it even more intriguing. You know from the beginning that Benjamin survives as prefaces it by saying it is his account of what happened. Highly recommend!

Third Book in the series:

The Devil's CompanyThe Devil's Company
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mr. Liss is an amazing historical fiction writer. As best as I can tell this is the last of the Benjamin Weaver novels. His story takes place in the 1700's and covers not only the mystery/suspense/intrigue of Mr. Weaver's projects, but gives it with an intense look at the setting and the times. This story covers activities of The East India Company and how it fit into the culture of the country/kingdom. I love that the dialog is written where I can understand, but yet it is more true to the times. If you want to be entertained and learn something at the same time, I highly recommend the 'Weaver' books!

View all my reviews

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Throwback Thursday!

Those were the days!  First song I heard this morning-'Moonglow'. Reminded me of the movie 'Picnic' with Robert Holden and Kim Novak.  See if this clip brings back memories.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

An Hour at the Museum

We went to the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock this week to see the Mid-Southern Watercolorists Annual Juried Exhibition. It was wonderful. Especially since one of our fellow member of Brush Strokes Art Club of Hot Springs Village had a painting that was juried into the Exhibition.

Red Among Us
Marlene Gremillion
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Low Tide, Boothbay Harbor
John Keller
 Searcy, Arkansas

David Lencho
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Then, we were really taken with the lobby exhibition:

I did not get the title of this piece.

Growing Up

Well, I couldn't resist!
Could I?

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Maine No. 27 of 50*

Up until August 2013 Maine had been in one of those states that I had been 'in and out'.  Chuck was determined that he would see Maine that year with or without me.  I decided I didn't like the 'without me' option so I jumped in the car and away we went on a 5,000+ Road Trip.  We hit several states before we arrived at Camden, Maine, to begin one of our most memorable trips. We added to our 'Top Ten.

We met Sherri and Scott in Camden at the White House Inn. An iconic Inn that was the setting for the movie 'Peyton Place' starring Lana Turner. We loved Camden-a lot of neat shops, a short cruise on the Penobscot Bay, a side trip to Rockland and the Farnsworth Art Museum/The Wyeth Center.

We didn't stay long in Camden before we headed to Deer Isle where we stayed for several days.  There was a lot to see and do, but we mainly 'hung out' with family and enjoyed our visit.

Enjoyed the Scenery

Played a little music

Bought some lobster right off the boat

Then ate it with corn off the cob

Continued to hang and read a little

Did a little sight seeing:

Our stay on Deer Isle soon ended and 
we headed to Bar Harbor 
and Acadia National Park.

Holding 'The Voice' from Hot Springs Village.
After we got home the picture
was published in 'The Voice' along
with other travelers who took 'The Voice'
on their travels.

Acadia National Park

A blow hole.  We got there just
after it blew.  Didn't stick around
2 hours for the next time.

At the end of the trail
lunch at the Jordan Pond House.

What a wonderful place to end our Maine trip. The next day we left and headed home.  We had traveled 2,500 miles and had another 2,500 miles to get home to Arkansas. 
It's always fun to travel to faraway places,
but it's even sweeter to come home!
*For "new to my blog" friends...on May 17, 2010, I visited Wisconsin.
 I can now say that I have been in, to or through all 50 United States.
 I am committed to make an Artist Trading Card "ATC" for each of
 the 50 States.