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Friday, August 31, 2012

Maisie Dobbs (#8)

A Lesson in Secrets
by Jacqueline Winspear
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really like the Maisie Dobbs series. However, we are on a "Series" track. That means that what in the normal course of events an action would be taken, it is left hanging at the end of each book to entice you to buy the next book. I am not going to be a 'spoiler' so I will leave out the details. I just wish the publisher and writer would take the story to the next level and save me from hanging in suspense. I already like the series. I am going to read the next book for that reason. I am not going to continue reading it because the author and/or the publisher has decided to dangle a carrot at the end of the book.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

2016 Obama's America, The Movie

I have thought long and hard about recommending this movie to you.  When I am trying to make a decision whether small or large, my question to myself is-"What is the worse thing that can happen?"  So, I asked myself this question.  The answer: the people that subscribed to or followed my Blog would not understand my intent and unsubscribe or not follow my Blog.  As my Blog is published on Facebook, my friends that are offended will 'unfriend' me. So be it!

I recommend that you see "2016 Obama's America" if it is being shown in a movie theater in your area or on You Tube.  I recommend it not to try to change in any beliefs you have or how you will vote in November.  I recommend it because I think all information that can be gathered helps you make a more informed decision.  

Dinesh D'Souza spent his time and resources to bring us this movie. I thank him. 

The film was not what I was expecting.  I was expecting a campaign 'spin' trying to influence my vote.  It was not.  As a friend, on Facebook said: "I am not going to change my mind". There are other friends that even refuse to go see this movie. That is their choice.  I am not so naive as to think that I would ever know all there is to know about an issue. However, I really like to have all information that is available to me from as many sources as are available.  Then, I can make my decision. 

I have two questions about this movie and the information it gives me--
#1 Am I living my Mother's and/or my Father's dream...are we all living our parents' dreams? Do I not have my own dream to fulfill?
#2 Why have I not gotten this information from my normal sources: TV, Radio,Newspapers,Magazines.  It has been on You Tube.  What is that telling you and me?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

ATCs Back on 'To Do' List

I love making Artist Trading Cards.  ATCs are small art: 2.5" x 3.0".  I learned about them about five years ago, but had to put them at the bottom of my 'have fun' list while I worked, sold a house, bought at new house in another city, and moved. Now all of that is behind me...well, maybe I am still unpacking boxes...I am ready to work on my Art. ATC's are a good way to get warmed up for bigger projects!

Mi Lady
Of course, there is a whole "Social Network" built about trading these cards at this website ATCs For All, Artist Trading Cards...and more!

What fun!  It is art that can be done in a minute.  I keep my table stocked and sometimes I just walk by; get inspired and produce another card.  I am loving it.  Hope you do, too!

I am on  track to
make an ATC on each
of the 50 United States
that I have visited, been in, or through!

Visit 'My Art Gallery' and '50 in 50' to see more of my ATCs and original art pieces by clicking on tabs at top of this Blog.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Maisie Dobbs (#7)

The Mapping of Love and Death (Maisie Dobbs, #7)The Mapping of Love and Death
by Jacqueline Winspear
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It seems to me that the greater number of books in a series the more filler you have to wade through to get to the meat of the story. This Maisie Dobbs book was no exception. 

I liked the story and really connected to the characters of Maisie and her supporting cast of characters. However, I was given a complete run down of the other six books as if I hadn't read them. I understand that some readers pick up a book in the middle of the series and don't have a clue about the background. I would think they could be enticed to read/buy the previous books and find out for themselves. A lot of this book was educating me on the profession of a cartographer. Most of it was not pertinent to the story. 

I am looking forward to #8, 'A Lesson in Secrets', as the story line seems to be taking a turn as the book ends. Some threads were left hanging to entice me to continue on...and I will!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Switching from Then to Now!

Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1)Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor 
by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After reading Historical fiction, particularly Regency Romance, I decided to venture back into Contemporary Romance. I love to read Regency novels by Lisa Kleypas so I decided to start with her new venture into Contemporary fiction. It was a pleasant change. 

 Of course, her first venture was into a Christmas story so it was short and sweet, but I liked the change. The story line is refreshing and there are more to come in the series. 

The main thing that I don't get from reading a contemporary novel is the history or the feeling that I lived in a different time and place...kind of like time travel in my mind. Both genres have the basics: the scenery and customs of the place and relationships of the people. It's just that in contemporary there is only a reference to the past. I am not in it!

View all my reviews

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Double Wedding Quilt Project - Done

In 1990 I had an idea for a quilt and wall hanging for my king-sized bed.  The problem: I did not know how to quilt.  Solution: take a quilting class.  

I started with a pin cushion, progressed to a wall hanging, and then to a sampler quilt.  I was 'Hooked on Quilting'.  Then, I took the quilt class to end all quilt classes...a Double Wedding Ring Quilt.  Of course, mine could not have been a simple double wedding ring quilt.  No...I went for a queen sized quilt with three different colors and a white center.

All documented in this book

Fabric selection documentation

Here you go! 
22 years later...Not only for the quilt, but for the quilter...

20 Year Anniversary

Now, 22 years later...

Of course, I have many more ideas to embellish it.  
I have decided to declare it 'finished'.  Now on to the future.