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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Double Wedding Quilt Project - Done

In 1990 I had an idea for a quilt and wall hanging for my king-sized bed.  The problem: I did not know how to quilt.  Solution: take a quilting class.  

I started with a pin cushion, progressed to a wall hanging, and then to a sampler quilt.  I was 'Hooked on Quilting'.  Then, I took the quilt class to end all quilt classes...a Double Wedding Ring Quilt.  Of course, mine could not have been a simple double wedding ring quilt.  No...I went for a queen sized quilt with three different colors and a white center.

All documented in this book

Fabric selection documentation

Here you go! 
22 years later...Not only for the quilt, but for the quilter...

20 Year Anniversary

Now, 22 years later...

Of course, I have many more ideas to embellish it.  
I have decided to declare it 'finished'.  Now on to the future.  


  1. Absolutely amazing! Love how you took pictures through the years......congratulations on FINISHING!!

  2. Thanks Linda...good to hear from you!

  3. HOly Cow!! And none of this was machine quilted??? Get out!

  4. Yep!!! Hand pieced and hand quilted and embroidered! Now you know why it took 22 years:) Actually, all of those years were not spent on the quilt...there were about a total of maybe 7 or 8 that it languished in storage waiting for me to welcome it back in my life!
