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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

James Carville On Stage

We went back to the University of Central Arkansas this week to see James Carville.   You ask #1 who is James Carville and #2 if you know the answer, you ask what could he have done to entertain a "full house"?

Well, let me tell you...I have never seen a "Political Consultant" put on a show.  However, I saw James Carville do it.  He is a very entertaining "one man" show.  I was totally impressed by his stage presence and ability to keep on topic and at the same time interject his humor...all without notes or a teleprompter.  All he had was a mike and a bottle of water.  He was introduced by a video of SNL clips that poked fun at him.  He came on stage, rolled up the sleeves of his blue button-down collar and started talking.  

In between his humor about past and present politicians and their campaigns, he left us with some bits of wisdom.  At the end of about 45 minutes of "stand-up" commentary, he took questions from the audience. He wrapped up all questions with three things that will insure that our children will share in the "American Dream".

1.  Make sure the value of education and its costs are equal.
2.  Keep money out of politics.  
3.  Make healthcare affordable.

There were a couple of comments he made that I found interesting:
1.  Regarding the Supreme Court's review of "ObamaCare", I heard him say that he hoped they would vote for it by 5-4.  His reasoning was that any failure of the Plan could not be placed in the lap of the Supreme Court, but blame would fall to those who were responsible for its passage.
2. He did not think he was a particular favorite of President Obama right now.  

It would have been even more fun if his wife, Mary Matalin, had joined him on stage:)

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