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Thursday, March 24, 2016

An Hour at the Museum

We went to the Arkansas Arts Center in Little Rock this week to see the Mid-Southern Watercolorists Annual Juried Exhibition. It was wonderful. Especially since one of our fellow member of Brush Strokes Art Club of Hot Springs Village had a painting that was juried into the Exhibition.

Red Among Us
Marlene Gremillion
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Low Tide, Boothbay Harbor
John Keller
 Searcy, Arkansas

David Lencho
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Then, we were really taken with the lobby exhibition:

I did not get the title of this piece.

Growing Up

Well, I couldn't resist!
Could I?

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Maine No. 27 of 50*

Up until August 2013 Maine had been in one of those states that I had been 'in and out'.  Chuck was determined that he would see Maine that year with or without me.  I decided I didn't like the 'without me' option so I jumped in the car and away we went on a 5,000+ Road Trip.  We hit several states before we arrived at Camden, Maine, to begin one of our most memorable trips. We added to our 'Top Ten.

We met Sherri and Scott in Camden at the White House Inn. An iconic Inn that was the setting for the movie 'Peyton Place' starring Lana Turner. We loved Camden-a lot of neat shops, a short cruise on the Penobscot Bay, a side trip to Rockland and the Farnsworth Art Museum/The Wyeth Center.

We didn't stay long in Camden before we headed to Deer Isle where we stayed for several days.  There was a lot to see and do, but we mainly 'hung out' with family and enjoyed our visit.

Enjoyed the Scenery

Played a little music

Bought some lobster right off the boat

Then ate it with corn off the cob

Continued to hang and read a little

Did a little sight seeing:

Our stay on Deer Isle soon ended and 
we headed to Bar Harbor 
and Acadia National Park.

Holding 'The Voice' from Hot Springs Village.
After we got home the picture
was published in 'The Voice' along
with other travelers who took 'The Voice'
on their travels.

Acadia National Park

A blow hole.  We got there just
after it blew.  Didn't stick around
2 hours for the next time.

At the end of the trail
lunch at the Jordan Pond House.

What a wonderful place to end our Maine trip. The next day we left and headed home.  We had traveled 2,500 miles and had another 2,500 miles to get home to Arkansas. 
It's always fun to travel to faraway places,
but it's even sweeter to come home!
*For "new to my blog" friends...on May 17, 2010, I visited Wisconsin.
 I can now say that I have been in, to or through all 50 United States.
 I am committed to make an Artist Trading Card "ATC" for each of
 the 50 States.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Walking the Trails in 2016 Installment Two

A perfect day for a walk.  Considering that rain is predicted all of next week we decided to check out the Cedar Creek Trail.  It was in the path of some high winds last year and was closed for a long time.  After a major pick-up it was reopened.  It is still winter on the Trail.  I saw a few wild flowers, but no buds on the trees.  The evidence of the damage really showed with no foliage to hide all of the downed trees.  

After parking the car at Lot A we walked about 1.5 miles of the 3 miles of trails.  We took the Blue Bird Path to the Mourning Dove Path and turned around about half way.  

Then, we took the Kingfish Loop and back to the car. We'll go back when it is in foliage and walk the other 1.5 miles. 

Along the trail we saw some cairns
a few wild flowers, 
evidence of a beaver (maybe), 
and a lot dormant hardwoods.

The only evidence of Spring is in my back yard. 
 A single omen that Spring might be on its way.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Through States 22-24 of 50*

Some States I traveled through on the way to somewhere else.  Here are three of them that we went through on the way to and from Maine in 2014.

West Virginia:
We hit the Eastern corner of West Virginia on I-81 and zipped through Martinsburg into Pennsylvania.  We were there long enough to say we had been 'Through'. Don't think we'll ever go back and add it to our 'Been To' list.

New Hampshire:
We entered New Hampshire from Massachusetts on the Blue Star Hwy.-I-95. After stopping in Portsmouth we went into Maine.  Probably will not get back to New Hampshire either.

On the way home to we went through Kentucky from Ohio.  We went through Louisville and Elizabethtown.  I am hoping to go to the Kentucky Derby one day and add it to our 'Been To' list.
We crossed the border at Fulton where we spent the night at Union City, Tennessee.  It seems that when home was in our sights there was no stopping until we got there.  No sight-seeing or dawdling for us. 

*For "new to my blog" friends...on May 17, 2010, I visited Wisconsin.
I can now say that I have been in, to or through all 50 United States.
I am committed to make an Artist Trading Card "ATC" for each of

the 50 States.