Remembering good times with my Mom:
Circa 1949 |
Circa: 1955 |
Circa: 1951 |
1958 |
1985 |
2000 |
I remember laying on a glider on our screened porch in
1951 or '52...listening to the radio on Sunday afternoon.
We listened to 'The Shadow"(Who knows what lurks in the minds of men, The Shadow knows...), "The FBI in War and Peace", "Inter-sanctum"(the door screeching as it opened).
I remember going to the movie on Christmas Eve and then to Walgreen's to buy decorations for the tree. I still have them. We were killing time while Santa and his reindeer had a chance to land on our roof and leave me some presents. We didn't have a chimney so I guess he came in a window or a door!
I remember her bringing me breakfast from the Country Kitchen before I left for school. I would call her at night about 8pm when the cafe was closing...asking her to bring me a Milky Way and a Coke on ice (shaved in a Styrofoam cup). We used to walk a lot around our neighborhood.
What great memories of a great time to have grown up and to have my Mom!
As always - your articles are astute and insightful