Just got back from a week in Colorado...first to Idaho Springs, Georgetown, then Estes Park (Part Two!
We had a great time visiting relatives and meeting new friends. We came from from approximately 300 feet above sea level in Arkansas to 7500 feet in Idaho Springs and 8500 in Georgetown and back down to 7,500 feet in Estes Park. Definitely had to adjust to the change. We drank lots and lots of water and didn't move too fast. Colorado is one of my favorite States. The Rockies are awesome and the people even more so.
We don't buy 'dust catchers'...just send ourselves postcards!
Continental Divide on the way to Idaho Springs from Denver Airport |
Idaho Springs
'Vintage Moose Tavern' where we had Beer and Antipasto |
Gospel Music-Group getting ready for Gospel Music Festival that weekend-we would be in Estes Park by then so we stopped and listened for a while. In the cutest shop- |
(Cute Shop-No, I couldn't buy it!
It wouldn't fit in our suitcase.)
Walk by Clear Creek

On to Estes Park...continued in
Part Two of Rocky Mountain High, Colorado!