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Monday, June 17, 2013

Coming Home!

It has been over a year since we moved to a new house and a new town.  It is exactly where we want to be. There is plenty to keep us occupied.  We are never bored.  In fact, there are many, many opportunities on which to spend our time. We have to be very careful not to over extend.  After all, we are retired.

So, my question: Exactly when will I begin to feel I am 'Home'?  I have all of my stuff here.  I know 'Home' is where the heart is and my "Heart of Hearts" is here with me.  However, when we leave and come back, we are coming back to our house. I think you will agree there is a difference between a house and a 'Home'.  

Will I feel I'm coming 'Home' when I don't spend an hour looking for my Lucite salad set or the table cloth that I know I packed.  I spend at least 30 minutes a day looking for stuff. I know  they are somewhere in the house or in some box that is still in storage.  Or maybe, when we empty the storage and close it.  Then again, we are looking for the perfect rug for our living room...maybe when we find it that will do it.  

 Ah, here's another thought...maybe when my fledgling garden matures, that will do it?  Then, there's the chance that I will reach for a light switch and it will be right under my hand and not on the opposite wall:)

We have discussed the fact that we moved from a traditional house that we lived in for 26 years into a newer more contemporary house.  We moved from a town in which we  lived  over some 50 years.  Maybe our roots were sunk so deep that it will be a while before we can pull them up and let the new roots to take hold.  

My only explanation is that maybe we just have to live in this house long enough to build some memories.  Then, when we leave, we can come back 'Home'. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Early Up! Rise and Shine!

Up and at 'em!  It is time to conquer the Coronado Boat Ramp Trail in Hot Springs Village.  It has been so hot here that we are starting early in the morning to beat the heat. So, it's 6:30 a.m. and we are off. It was actually cool outside. On the way we turned off our A/C and put down the windows of the car.  

A Short Trail
Only 1/3 of a mile

Not a long trail, but a scenic one, none the less.  It had a 'deep woods' feel about it until we turned a corner.  There we discovered a wonderful early morning lake view...complete with a gaggle of geese. 
Make a note:  Good Picnic Spot.

They let me get pretty close...

...and then they hit the water.

It was a good morning for a walk in the woods!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

My New Toy

Who remembers this????

I remember learning to type on a typewriter several years older than this one.  I could actually type 60 WPM and that was slow.  Some "women"* could type over 100 WPM.  If we wanted a copy, we would put carbon paper between the original and a second sheet...usually yellow low quality paper. Sometimes we would have multiple copies.   We called them carbon copies and at the bottom we would put a cc: and list who had received one. (When we made an error, we would have to erase the original and all copies and type the correct letter again.)

Oh, those were the days...

I can hear you asking: "What is she going to do with that?"  Answer: "I do not know."  It just called to me one day when I was browsing in the Etsy Shops. When you click on the line and search on 'Esmee Lynne', you will see my shop.  Come on in! Browsing will be great! Buying something will be even greater:)