My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This was a Book Club assignment. It was very hard for me to relate to the reality of this woman's life. In fact, after about 50 pages I thought I might give it up. Tara seemed to be a character in a book not a real living person. Her situation seemed unreal and she didn't seem motivated to do anything about it. Even when she had people supporting her and advising her to move away; she refused to leave. However, she is a real person that has lived through, what to me, is a nightmare. I am utterly amazed that she was able to overcome her childhood and family to the extent that she did.
I started pulling for her after pages 242 and 243. I saw hope when her professor give her this advice.
"You act like someone who is impersonating someone else. And it's as if you think your life depends on it." Dr. Kerry page 242
He continues on page 243: "The most powerful determinant of who you are is inside you," he said. "Professor Steinberg says this is Pygmalion. Think of the story, Tara." He paused, his eyes fierce his voice piercing. "She was just a cockney in a nice dress. Until she believed in herself. Then it didn't matter what dress she wore."
Tara did not disappoint. I think this was a turning point for her. It certainly wasn't the end. There was much more to come, but she persevered and won in the end. Recommend.
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