MEMORIES OF TIMES BEFORE BEING SHELTERED-IN We headed to Heber Springs and the Ruland Junction Toy Train Museum. We had seen it on 'Exploring Arkansas' with Chuck Dovish. We grew up traveling on 'real' trains'. We love trains. I especially love cabooses. My husband had a Lionel Train set. (Unfortunately, his mother cleaned out the attic and gave it away.)
Luckily we had my phone and GPS or we would have never found the museum. It is in a neighborhood next to the Ruland home. He built the Depot structure to house his collection of toy trains and memorabilia. There is a main floor and a balcony full of trains. How many I do not know. Daniel Hipp is the Trainmaster and Docent. He described what we were going to see and some history of the collection.
Then, he went into action. On the first floor he had at least three trains going at the same time. He was at the controls. Then, we went to the balcony and he let lose about nine trains. All were in motion. It was amazing.
After the train museum, we headed to one of our favorite diners, Mack's Seafood and Steaks. They always have a pot of pinto beans and great cornbread. It goes great with chicken fingers. We had catfish this day-the beans went good with it, too.
We came home through Conway and the back way to Hot Springs to get a picture of a church that Chuck wants to paint. What a great find!
Pu Erh Tea
*My new 'Favorite' thing: Pu Erh Tea*
*After reading The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See I was curious
about tea. It was a selection for our book...
Counting the Days
*This is a great way for remembering **how many days are in *
*each month. **Using your knuckles and the space in **between *
*them start labeling them with ...