My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I just finished this book of 1000+ pages. I highly recommend it to you. It is a must read if you want to know how we humans got to this point.
Warning: It is a historical fiction. It is not a saga of the four families involved in the history. The families are included as a way to move the history along. They are co-stars with the evolution of how we got to where we are today. The story begins around 7500 BC somewhere south of the North Pole and includes the first of the families. They settle in southeastern Britain in Sarum.
It will continue through the centuries until the close of the story in 1985 AD. It is a long read, but you will not be bored. You will not have to wade through the information year by year. Several time periods are skipped before you get to the next part of the journey. The only thing I found disconcerting was his habit of venturing off to another story before he gets back to the original story. (You probably have a friend that does that. I do. By the time we get back to the original story I have forgotten what it was.)
Take the time to read it. You will be glad you did.
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