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Monday, September 1, 2014

New Mexico No. 28 of 50*

#28 "ATC" (Artist Trading Card)
Only 22 more to go!
I have been through

New Mexico at least six times

on the way to California 

and Arizona.  I have never 

actually spent much time 


A picture I received from
 my Grandmother McLean, who
went to Sante Fe on vacation.
The snow always amazed me.

I do have a personal 

connection to New 


In the early 

1940's mGrandmother 

pulled up stakes after 

my Grandfather died  

and moved from 

Oklahoma to Los Alamos. 

Traveling Route 66, I spent one night in Tucumcari, New Mexico. We had a vapor lock and the car stopped. Okay, I was driving at 2am! We were going to drive through from Little Rock to San Bernardino, California.  It was not to be. Thank goodness. I got to wash my hair and get a little sleep before the car started and we were on our way again.

I was also lucky :) enough to turn south off of I-40 at Santa Rosa and go to Fort Sumner and the site of Billy the Kid's grave.  

Now aren't you jealous!
The New Mexico desert landscape is not my favorite. You don't get much scenery when you are traveling the main highways.  However, New Mexico will always be special to me because a significant part of my Grandmother's life was spent there.

*For "new to my blog" friends...on May 17, 2010, I visited Wisconsin.
 I can now say that I have been in, to or through all 50 United States.
 I am committed to make an Artist Trading Card "ATC" for each of
 the 50 States.