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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Amelia Peabody Nos. 14, 15, and 16

Children of the Storm (Amelia Peabody, #15)#15 Children of the Storm 
by Elizabeth Peters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Elizabeth Peters never disappoints in this series. Each book is better than the last one. I will soon run out of 'stars'. Amelia and her family are again involved in an attack by a person or persons unknown. Her brother-in-law, Sethos, takes a larger part in the solving of this mystery. There are more and more characters added to the story and you will love them all. I wonder why this story has not made it to the small screen? Another Downton Abbey set in Egypt. Given the present events in Egypt it would be nice to get a look at Egypt in earlier days.

The Golden One (Amelia Peabody, #14)#14 The Golden One 
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Amelia and her family and all of their friends are back in Egypt. There is a lot of action in this one. If you read the dust jacket or synopsis on Goodreads,you will be wondering when it will happen. Believe me, when it does you will need to pay attention. This is not one of those books that you can skip, skip, skip your way through. Never fear, all will be resolved by the end of the book. Of course, there will be a teaser getting you ready to read the next in the series, 'Children of the Storm. I am ready!

Guardian of the Horizon (Amelia Peabody, #16)Guardian of the Horizon
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Disclaimer-It may just me!

This time Elizabeth Peters did disappoint!
I did not read all of this book.  I read the jacket blurb and the first 25 pages only to discover that it was published out of line.  The best I could figure out from what I did read was that it takes place between 'The Falcon at the Portal #11' and 'He Shall Thunder in the Sky' #12. It was published in out of chronological order because the author decided to find a missing journal. If I had known it, I would have read it in chronological order. If I read a series, I do not want to go back and rehash everything that I know has already happened. Amelia's family has already progressed way beyond this book. To be fair I did not read it to the end so I cannot actually say that it doesn't pick up the story where 'Children of the Storm' left off. Just saying...

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